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17 th century castle at the gates of Périgueux .

Type of property
Aquitaine, Limousin en Poitou-Charentes
24 - Dordogne
Reference number

House for sale in France for:

€ 494.000


Magnificent property with an area of 6.5 hectares of meadows and woods, in the center of Perigord at the gates of Perigueux. On a hill, an authentic 17th century chateau which follows on from an old noble den, already known at the very beginning of the 16th century. Surrounded by a quadrangular enclosure where ancient machicolations appear in certain places. Under a winged pediment, the portal dating from the 17th century is flanked by pilasters. The house has a square plan made up of two two-storey buildings. Its tiled roof is four-sided. It is pierced with skylights allowing the lighting of the attic and several chimneys take place there. Inside the castle in a large room paved with pebbles, a fountain has been installed since the 18th century. The writer Lagrange-Chancel lived in the castle during the 18th century.

Magnifique propriété d'une surface de 6,5 hectares de prairies et de bois , au centre du Périgord aux portes de Périgueux . Sur une colline , authentique château du XVII qui fait suite à un ancien repaire noble , déjà connu au tout début du XVI siècle . Entouré d'une enceinte quadrangulaire où apparaissent d'ancien mâchicoulis à certains endroits . Sous un fronton à ailerons , le portail datant du XVIIe siècle est flanqué de pilastres . La demeure présente un plan en équerre composé de deux corps de bâtiments à deux niveaux . Sa toiture en tuiles est à quatre pans . Elle est percée de lucarnes permettant l'éclairage des combles et plusieurs cheminées y prennent place . A l'intérieur du château dans une grande salle pavée de galets , une fontaine est installée depuis le XVIIIe siècle . L'écrivain Lagrange-Chancel a vécu dans le château pendant le XVIIIe .

Other information

Habitable surface
537 m2
61000 m2
Rural, City

Energy consumption

DPE value : 0
Economic residence
High energy consumption residence
Not calculated
Energy consumption (main energy source) for heating, hot water and cooling Measurement standard: KWhep/m².year

Greenhouse gas emissions

GES value : 0
Low greenhouse gas output
High greenhouse gas output
Not calculated
Greenhouse gas emissions (GGS) for heating, hot water and cooling systems Measurement standard: kgeqCO2/m2.year

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