You are a private owner,

By adding your advert to you will reach in the first place the Dutch and Belgian Francophiles, looking for a residential stay or holiday accommodation.

Why advertise on A-VENDRE.NL?

• You can upload 25 large pictures and an unlimited description.
• A very attractive price for placing your advertisement.
• Simple adding and managing of your advert.
• Payments per month, stop whenever you want. So you don't pay a high fee per year, for something you might sell within a few months.
• You will receive requests on your e-mail address without the need to display this address, no spam!
• Safe online payment through, several payment possibilities: iDEAL, Belfius, Credit card (Carte Bancaire), Bancontact, SOFORT Banking en de KBC/CBC Payment Button.

What are the costs of a private ad?

You pay € 9.50 per month for a single ad.

Go to "Login", click on "Don't have an account?" and create your account.


You are an agent,

By adding your adverts to you will reach in the first place the Dutch and Belgian Francophiles, looking for a residential stay or holiday accommodation.

Why advertise on A-VENDRE.NL?

• You can upload 25 large pictures and an unlimited description per advert.
• A very attractive price for placing your advertisements.
• Simple adding and managing of your adverts. Automated import (passerelle) is possible.
• Payments per month, stop whenever you want. Safe online payment through, several payment possibilities: iDEAL, Belfius, Credit card (Carte Bancaire), Bancontact, SOFORT Banking en de KBC/CBC Payment Button.
• You will receive requests on your e-mail address without the need to display this address. no spam!
• Possibility to upload by XML or FTP

What are the costs of a professional account?

You pay € 29,00 per month, up to 150 properties, per agency. For a network: 2nd, 3rd office, etc..... -50%

To advertise, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., contactform, or call 0033 (0)563508836